
Museum of the City of Skopje

The Museum was founded in 1949. The official launch of the Museum was scheduled for 11th October 1951 with the opening of the permanent display, marking the tenth Anniversary of the antifascist uprising in Macedonia.

In the period between 1949 and 1952, the Museum was placed in the premises of the Sector for Science, at that time, within the People’s City Board of Skopje. In the period from 1952 until 1956 the Museum was moved into the temporary administrative premises, located near the Higher Technical School near the City Park. At the beginning of 1956 the Museum was moved into the building of the old Turkish Post Office.


The adapted Museum building availed of the total usable surface of 4670 m2, of which 2238 m2 were intended for exhibition space and ceremony hall. Croatian architect, Gjuka Kavuric designed the project for modern exhibition space in the west wing for permanent display consisting of built-in prefabricated frames joined with slanting ramps. The remaining part of the building was used for housing the administration, depots, photo-lab and technical lab. The Museum officially started working in the object of the old Train station in 1974.

The problem of working premises of the Museum of the City of Skopje was definitely solved by the adaptation of the Railway Station, which brought about a modern, stylishly designed structure with capacity for performing all domains of museum activities.mgs-postavka-muzej-na-grad-skopje-1

Nowadays, the Museum is a modern institution accomplishing extensive cultural and scientific research activities in the domains of archaeology, history, ethnology and art history.

The Museum possess over 30.000 arte facts as well as art collections from Ljubomir Belogaski (159 pieces mainly aquarelles), and Justina and Rodoljub Anastasov (389 pieces, mainly: aquarelles, drawings, pastels, combined techniques and oil on canvas).

The direct contact of curators with artifacts and the possibilities for their research bring about advancement in implementation of contemporary museology approaches to museum materials leading to their successful presentation.

The number of experts in the Museum has been rising gradually, allowing expansion of museum activities and opening new perspectives for advancement.

The premises of the Museum include exhibition space measuring 1500 m2, depots – 470 m2, offices – 335 m2 and labs – 209 m2.

Train Station

In 1937 the old train station was demolished and new one was built on the same location. The official opening was in 1940, and became one of the most beautiful stations in Europe in that period. It was built upon the project by the architect Velimir Gavrilovic.

The station was built by travertine rock from the village of Volkovo. The object had a central part and two wings with separate entrances. The most remarkable of all was the central hallway over 1000 square meters with a big gallery. Big part of the Station was destroyed in the catastrophic earthquake on 26 July 1963.

Address: Ss. Cyril and Methodius str., 1000 Skopje, Phone: + 389 (0) 2/ 3115-367; 3113-609
Working hours: 07.00-15.00
Entrance is free